Wednesday 28 July 2010

Ask and you shall receive

Well... my "dry spell" is over.

Many would argue that I did not have a dry spell at all, but the way I see it, you can end up in bed with 20 people if you want, if they do not penetrate you, it's not real sex.

Bill Clinton would be so proud.

Anyhow, I was eager to find a compatible partner to go over my month and a half dry spell. And boy, did I get a treat.

I'll break the heart of a few people by admitting he is a reader too, but I'm willing to deal with the whining.

It just felt RIGHT. A few moments after seeing him for the first time, first date Sunday night at his place to boot, I knew I wanted him deep, deep inside me.

The feeling was mutual as I left his place the next day at around 1 PM monday and we fucked 5 times.

Five. Times.

I'm not saying I never had crazy sex marathon before. I'm just saying being roughly fucked fives times on a first date after a little dry spell was like heaven on earth to me! Panting, squirting, spanking orgasms.

I went back for second (technically 6th & 7th) last night and left this morning after one more good deep fuck. For good luck.

I'm sore and under-rested.

Life's great.

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