Friday 14 October 2011

If 20 sexuals addicts where in a room.....

Apparently only 3 people who be more sexually addicted then myself....
We have compared your answers with people who have been diagnosed with sex
addiction. Your answers HAVE MET a score on basis of six the criteria that indicate sex addiction is present. To help you understand, the graphic below plots your score in relation to the scores of others.

In addition there are certain subscales to further confirm that a problem exists. The following patterns emerged in your answers:

· A profile consistent with men who struggle with sexually compulsive behavior
· A profile consistent with women who struggle with sexually compulsive behavior
· A profile consistent with homosexual men who struggle with sexually compulsive behavior
· A profile consistent with sex addicts who struggle with sexually compulsive behavior on-line
The SAST measures key characteristics of addiction. The following dimensions of an addictive disorder appeared in your answers:

· Preoccupation: obsessive thinking about sexual behavior, opportunities, and fantasies
· Loss of control: inability to stop behavior despite commitments to self and others and despite problems caused by behavior
· Relationship disturbance: sexual behavior has created significant relationship problems
· Affect disturbance: significant depression, despair, or anxiety over sexual behavior


  1. Would it be wrong to go to a Sexaholics Anonymous meeting looking to just hook up for casual sex?

  2. David, you should read the Chuck Palahniuk book Choke. Don't see the movie though, just the book.


don't be shy - i may reply ;)