Sunday 13 June 2010

Sex on the mind

I often get the comment that I really must be a man: that no woman is THAT sex-driven. And that this blog is fake.

Well, sorry to disappoint, but I am a very sex-driven person.

When I meet a new guy, I think about his potential in the sack before I even consider having romantic feelings for him. Only after he proved himself worthy of my sexy naked time, do I start to think where I want things to go with him.

I flirt, shamelessly, with a lot of guys in a day. I try to avoid drama as much as possible and I dislike having to report what I'm doing, where I am and with who I am to someone else.

I brag to my friends (and in this blog) about my sex stories and I definitely sleep with male friends of mine with no fear of "ruining the friendship".

In some other ways, I'm typically female. I hate feeling taken advantage of, I need to be comfortable with someone before going to bed with them and I do enjoy cuddling and making out for hours.

In what ways are you different than the stereotype of your own gender?


  1. I'm the intimate, cuddling, talking after sex, never stopping at the first orgasm kind of guy.

    It shows that I care. It's just that I don't get attached much.

  2. Miss conceptions of society. You're liberated and you enjoy experimenting. How does that make you less of a woman. No doubt in my mind you're the genuine article babe. Don't listen to the ignorant fellows who confuse your sex ;)


don't be shy - i may reply ;)